Please note that these are mostly the common rules and regulations but you should check with your Associations documents to be clear.
Your condo fees are due by the 1st of each month and are considered late by the 10th. All vehicles parked on grounds must be registered, insured, and operative. Meaning vehicles must be able to start up and be moved at anytime. Most Associations have contracts with towing companies and your vehicle can be towed at anytime at the owner's expense. Unit Information Sheets should be updated on a regular basis to ensure that the Association has your correct information in order to send you newsletters and updated meeting information. It also lets us know what vehicle you own especially if there is a vehicle that needs to be get towed we can contact you ahead of time. Landscaping and plantings. If you live in a condo Association please know that anything you plant outside in the ground no longer becomes your ownership. Vegetable plants and anything that is over grown and becomes unsightly will be cut down. Do Not Plant anything that you will be upset with that we cut down! Do not clutter the grounds with lawn furniture, benches, bird feeders, pools, etc. They are not allowed. Work order requests (unless due to an emergency) must go through a process. Depending on the Association, the Board must approve, go out for bid, then assigned to a contractor. If you have a work order request please complete the Work Order Request Form in our forms section. Noise from neighbors. We suggest that you find a friendly and polite way to talk to your neighbor first. If it gets out of hand we do recommend that you call the police however it some circumstances your Association might be able to do something about it. If you are a renter you MUST call your landlord and NOT PINC Management. If you Association allows dogs then it is your responsibility to pick up after your dog immediately. Your dog must also be leashed at all times. Fines will be issued for anyone who is caught not abiding to these rules. Trash containers are only for household trash and not bulk items such as furniture, mattresses, etc. Anyone seen leaving these type of items can be charged $250 or more for the removal of these items. Snow removal. The contractors do their best to remove snow as much as they can. On days that you are home when they are onsite it is important for you to remove your vehicle while they are plowing as well as remove snow off your vehicle. Any vehicle that has snow on their vehicle two days after a snow storm will be towed off property unless you contact PINC to notify them you will be away. |